What does this product offer?
These products are designed for the informal sector.
These include Spare Parts Dealers, Dressmakers, Mechanics, Market Women, Artisans and other self-employed persons.
Consequently, in 2018, QLAC designed three microinsurance for the informal sector.
These products seek to address the challenges faced by members of the informal sector whose earnings barely meet their day to day needs and also have insufficient fund to cover unforeseen events.

Fa Bi Sie
The Quality Life “Fa Bi Sie” Plan is a pure term insurance policy with a savings (i.e. Susu Fund) plan…

Wo Ba Daakye
The Quality Life “Wo Ba Daakye” Plan is a term insurance policy with a savings (i.e. Education Fund) plan and…

Emma No Ento Wo Ansa
This is a term life insurance policy with a Savings Plan (i.e.Susu Fund) geared towards providing level death benefits for…